Are you planning a baby shower party for the 'bundle of joy', who will soon become a part of your family? There are lot of things that need to be done, while planning the baby shower and the invitation card is one of them. The baby shower invitation can be decorated with cute paintings of flowers, babies and pets. Though, what can make it more appealing is the use of unique wording. The written words in the invitation card may be short, but they should convey the excitement of the would-be-parents to the invitees.
There are many amazing ideas for a baby shower available on the Internet as well as in magazines. To give your baby shower party an original touch, you can also try to write baby shower invite wording on your own. You can pen down your creativity in the form of a small poem. If your guests include toddlers, you can mention on the invitation, some suitable kids' art activities that you will organize during the party. How about some games for older guests too? Well, they too will appreciate your pre-planned baby shower games like baby guessing games, drawing portraits of one another, writing down how to take care of a baby, parenting tips, list of baby clothes, etc.
Don't forget to mention the date, time, location and address of the baby shower invitation party. You can even write the name of the guest whom you are inviting in the front of the invitation card like "Dear... (guest's name)" and on the back side, you can write the name of the expectant mother and her contact number. Add an email address or contact number for those of your guests, who may be unable to attend the baby shower. Well! If you are looking for some interesting verses and sayings, take a look at the following invitation wording.
"A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities." - Eda J. Le Shan
"They're expecting a baby, a new bundle of joy
A very special gift, be it a girl or a boy!"
"Tea parties, play dolls and pink and white clothes
This time we're having a girl with ribbons and bows!"
"We are tickled pink & happy to say ...
a precious baby girl is on the way!"
"Little boys come in all shapes and sizes,
Shy, adventurous, and full of surprises.
With sweet little halos and mischievous grins,
Small dirty faces, and cute, sticky chins."
"A baby is a blank check made payable to the human race." - Barbara Christine Seifert
"They explore and conquer, romp and run,
So full of spirit and oh so much fun!"
"A baby boy is on the way,
So let's celebrate before the big day!"
"Join Us For A Ba-Bee Shower (perfect for invitations with a cute little bee on them!) Cute As Can Bee!"
"When babies look beyond you and giggle, maybe they're seeing angels." - Eileen Elias Freeman
"Cute Little Nose, Sweet Little Smile...
A Baby is Coming in Just A Short While!"
"A baby is cuddles and tickles on toes
The sweet scent of powder, a kiss on the nose
A baby is teddy bears, rattles, powder, and pins
Meals at midnight, giggles, and grins."
"We're all excited and happy as can be!
(Mom's name) and (Dad's name) will soon be a family of three!"
"Twinkle twinkle little star,
How we wonder who you are.
A sweet girl or precious boy,
We know you'll bring lots of joy!"
"Babies are such a nice way to start people." - Don Herrold
"Children reinvent your world for you." - Susan Sarandon
"Who is getting more pleasure from the rocking, baby or me?" - Nancy Thayer
"Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit." - Bill Cosby
"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on." - Carl Sandburg
"It's time for (Mother's name) to turn in her maternity gear,
For diapers, bottles and a teddy bear!"
"A little get together,
will be such a treat,
in honor of a little someone,
we just can't wait to meet!"
"Do you think she'll need pink?
Do you think she'll need blue?
Check the calendar... She's almost due!"
"Bottles and booties, bibs and more...
Let's shower the baby with gifts galore!"
"It's a shower!
Bring your galoshes, bring your umbrellas,
Come celebrate a new little fella
Dress up for the mommy to show you care
A prize will be given to the most prepared!
The rain shower will be held for the (your last name) family."
Diapers and bibs, bottles and more
That's what Baby Showers are for!
There once was a time
when we all heard her say,
I'm done, that's it . . .
two kids, call it a day.
But now that expression
"I'm done" is in the past.
There's gonna be another boy/girl,
will this be the last?
We have been blessed
with a boy/girl from above
a precious son/daughter
for us to love!
Wordings for Baby Boy
(Name of mom) is due just about any day
And a cute little boy is on his way.
While we pray for a safe delivery
And a healthy bundle of joy,
In the meantime there will be,
A party for the baby boy.
We're getting together
It will be a great treat
To honor a baby boy
We all want to meet.
Wordings for Baby Girl
An adorable baby girl
Is coming to stay
And we're celebrating
With a special shower day.
Little pink dresses and barrettes too,
A new baby girl is anxious to meet you.
We are tickled pink & happy to say,
Amy will have a baby girl on the big day!
Take your pick from the above invitation wording for baby shower. You can order pre-designed cards available in the market and suggest decorating ideas based on your baby shower party theme. One of the best ideas is to create your own invitation wordings!
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